Consultancy to Document the Impact of the work of Habitat for Humanity
Location | Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of |
Date Posted | January 29, 2023 |
Category | Consultancy Management NGO |
Job Type | Contract |
Currency | TZS |

Objectives of the Assignment
Given the above background and history, this consultancy is among key activities aimed at documenting the impact of the work of HFHT in collaboration with partners and various stakeholders.
The overall objective is to document and produce a range of communication products that show the journey of housing in Tanzania while capturing the organisation’s achievements over the years – this includes on-site filming and interviews, creation of audio-visual content including videos, photos, case studies, success stories and a set of infographics.
The consultant(s) will be expected to travel to selected project areas/ districts where the programmes were implemented and speak with various stakeholders including but not limited to: community members, the HFHT Patron, former and current Board members and staff.
Habitat for Humanity Tanzania (HFHT) requires the services of a reputable firm or expert to undertake on-site filming and interviews as per the above outlined background and objectives. HFHT will require fully edited suite of short video interviews combined with motion graphics and supported with case studies, success stories and photos that include past and current programme activities. The consultant will work closely with the HFH Africa Communications Director with guidance from the HFHT programme team and Board Members
3.1 Segmented videos footage needs are as follows:
The video footage will include a 3-5-minute-long clip covering all content and shorter 1-3 minute clips that can be used on various platforms including social media (the number of short clips will be discussed and agreed upon) Below is a proposed outline which is open to revision:
• Introduction and a narration of housing needs in Tanzania
• Introduce HFHT and partners work over the years as well as the ongoing initiatives being implemented as part of the Tanzania programme work
• Present the impact of the various initiatives
• Conclusion of HFHT and partners work and national impact
• HFHT contribution to the regional impact of housing
• Closing
3.2 Written case studies / success stories
• Based on interviews conducted and sites visited, develop case studies and success stories in formats that can be used for print and online platforms
3.3. Photography
• A minimum of 300 high-resolution photographs, edited and captioned.
• The team will also submit all original signed copies of HFHT consent forms.
3.4 Photo and story booklet
• A photo and story booklet giving an outline of the housing background in Tanzania, brief history of HFHT work with partners, the transformative work in Tanzania, impact on livelihoods, stories and quotes from communities and various stakeholders, current initiatives and call to action.
• The Consultant will also submit copy of all interview recordings and/or transcripts as appendices.
3.5 Infographics
• HFHT requires infographics to support the interview videos.
• The infographic will be high-resolution, A4 size for printing and web, and shall focus on:
• The status of housing in Tanzania
• Who HFHT is, our work and geographical reach of the various initiatives
• Partners and community engagement
• Problems / issues which the initiatives are trying to solve, as a part of the housing journey
• Actions being taken, outcomes and impacts to date
• Next steps
• HFHT and partner logos
• Minimum experience of three (3) years’ documented work experience in the area of film/reportage/documentary writing, producing, directing and editing. Previous experience in developing documentary films about activities carried out by development organizations will be an advantage. – Links to samples of similar work done along with references should be included.
• Exceptional video production skills (Applicants with proven existing partnerships with media networks will have an added advantage).
• Access to highest quality filming, light, sound and editing equipment.
• Ability to operate under strict time limits and apply high production and technical standards for the purpose of maintaining high level of professionalism.
• Ability to communicate and conduct interviews in English and Kiswahili (including translating the interviews in English where necessary)
• Willingness and ability to conduct interviews with key stakeholders in consultation with HFHT
The Technical Proposal should clearly and specifically cover but not necessarily be limited to interpretation of the Terms of Reference
Criteria for assessment and scores (percentage-wise) are as follows:
Demonstrations of the understanding of the work to be done, a proposed work approach and methodology at 25%
Creativity: A proposed design and production approach demonstrating innovation and ingenuity at 30%.
Capacity: Copies of CVs for the principal consultant for the proposal should be attached to the application at 25%
Detailed work plan, which must include clear timetable/ schedule of the work activities that will be performed – 20 %
The financial proposal should provide a clear and detailed breakdown of all costs that would be associated with undertaking the entire assignment together with the proposed payment schedule. Only bids that have attained a rating above 70% in the technical evaluation will proceed to the financial evaluation stage.
In consideration of the fees paid, the consultant expressly assigns to HFHT any copyright arising from the works the consultant produces while executing this contract. Noting that the consultant will also be acknowledged and credited accordingly as per the HFH formats.
The consultant may not use, reproduce or otherwise disseminate or authorize others to use, reproduce or disseminate such works without prior consent from HFHT.
All materials directly related to this assignment must be handed over to HFHT at the end of the contract in digital form. This excludes materials obtained independently by the consultant.
All legal arrangements related to the acquisition and use of additional materials will be the sole responsibility of the consultant.
The successful bidder will work closely with the HFHT Programme Manager and in close consultation with the HFH Africa Communications Director.
It is the responsibility of the appointed consultant to ensure that work is done diligently and to the highest possible standard.
The consultant shall be paid the agreed fee in instalments and details will be provided in the final contract. Payments will be done as per the agreement between the consultant and HFHT.
COST OF PREPARING: The bid shall be prepared and submitted entirely at the expense of the tenderer/supplier.
The quotation shall remain valid for a period of 90 days from the submission date stipulated in this document. Any tender that is incomplete is liable for disqualification.
12.0 AWARD
The successful bidder will receive written notification and will then be asked to make presentations of how they are going to carry out the tasks stipulated in these TORs– with an opportunity given to panelists to ask questions/make clarifications/and/or suggest best ways of carrying out certain activities for this assignment before signing a contract agreement with HFHT after negotiations.
HFHT shall notify the approved bidder (if any) of such acceptance by letter of submission during which the Tender will remain valid as per the provision of the tender conditions. HFHT does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender proposal, or any proposal, but reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal in whole or in part without added reasons to the action.
The content creation and production is expected to take approximately 60 days. The consultant is expected to submit a schedule detailing the tasks to be undertaken and duration before, during and after content gathering.
[1] HFHT (2022) Review of the status of housing eco-system in Tanzania: Overview of the affordable housing sector
[2] HFHI is a non-profit organisation dedicated to eliminating sub-standard housing and homelessness worldwide. The purpose and goal of Habitat for Humanity International is to eliminate poverty housing and homelessness from the world, and to make decent shelter a matter of conscience and action.
Applying Instructions
Bidders should submit expression of interest (both technical and financial proposals) electronically to copy to
HFHT has no obligation to accept any proposal submitted after deadline and reserves the right to take any decision it deems fit.