Tender Request For Proposal For Consultancy Service For Construction Of A Radio Station
Location | Mpimbwe, Tanzania, United Republic of |
Date Posted | May 27, 2023 |
Category | Government Management |
Job Type | Full-time |
Currency | TZS |

Tender No LGA.185/2022/23/C/01
This invitation for expression of interest follows the General Procurement Notice (GPN) which appeared in taneps.go.tz Issue no. 7508604/3626/LGA.185/2022/23/C/01 dated 22/08/2022.
The Government of the United Republic of Tanzania has set aside funds for the operationof the Mpimbwe District Council during the financial year 2022/2023. It is intended that part of the proceeds of the fund will be used to cover eligible payment under the contract for the REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICE FOR CONSTRUCTION OF A RADIO STATION AT MPIMBWE DISTRICT COUNCIL.
The Mpimbwe District Council now invites eligible Individual consultants to indicate their interest in providing the services which include TO PROVIDE CONSULTANCY SERVICE FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RADIO STATION AT MPIMBWE DIDTRICT COUNCIL. The tasks involved in the assignment includes, but not limited to the following: I. Should be able to prepare a proposal about radio Construction with all the important details as according to the project. II. To provide a professional advice to the District Council Management, concerning the Construction of a Radio station at its premises. III. To request for radio establishment license at Tanzania Communication Regulatory Authority, (TCRA). IV. Being able to present the proposal (as required in sub section (a) above), to the responsible authority (TCRA), when needed to do so. V. Being in a position to offer professional assistance, in case of any faults or inconsistence after the completion of a project (Radio construction). THE TIME FRAME FOR THE ASSIGNEMENT WILL BE SIX(6) MONTHS FROM THE DATE OF CONTRACT SIGNING.
Interested Individual consultants must provide information indicating that they are qualified to perform the services by submitting updated CV’s, description of similar assignments, experience in similar conditions and relevant skills. Interested individual consultants must also submit Financial Proposal in writing.
You are requested to submit your written expression of interest, one original detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV) and Financial Proposal plus Two copies of detailed CV and Financial Proposal in writing by 09/06/2023 at 10:30 hours local time. The Detailed CV and Financial Proposal shall each be enclosed in a separate envelope and marked “Detailed CV” and “Financial Proposal” respectively. The two envelopes shall then be enclosed in a single envelope and marked “Proposal for the CONSULTANCY SERVICE FORT HE CONSTRUCTION OF A NEW RADIO STATION AT MPIMBWE DISTRICT COUNCIL. ” and submitted to the following address:
Applying Instructions
The opening of CVs shall take place immediately after the deadline for submission, atthe The Secretary Tender Board, Mpimbwe District Council Head Quarters P.O BOX 245 Mpanda, Katavi. Mobile: 0754 034 546 Tel: +255-25-2955332 Email:ded@mpimbwedc.go.tz Website: www.mpimbwedc.go.tz . Applying individual consultants are invited to attend the opening ceremony.
A consultant will be selected in accordance with the procedures set out in the PublicProcurement Act No. 7 of 2011 and the Public Procurement Regulations, 2013 – Government Notice No. 446 (hereinafter called Procurement Regulations).
CV’s shall be evaluated on the basis of the criteria shown in the Terms of Reference.Only individual Consultants scoring above 60 shall be engaged (depending on their availability) to carry out the assignments during the financial year 2022/2023.
Prospective Individual Consultants are required to download the Terms of Referencefrom the “Tender Documents” section of the Tender workspace in the TANePS portal.
Any request for clarification with regard to this assignment shall be addressed tothe procurement team through the dedicated section of the TANePS portal. The Client shall respond to clarifications received not less than one week before the deadline for submission.
Late Expressions of Interest shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of thecircumstances.
Yours sincerely,
CATHERINE MASHALLA, District Executive Director,
USEVYA TOWN, P.O Box 245 Mpanda-Katavi