Librarian Grade II

at Tanzania Forestry Research Institute (TAFORI)
Location Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of
Date Posted June 18, 2022
Category Education / Teaching
Job Type Full-time
Currency TZS




                      i.        To keep information data;

                    ii.        To Search standard reference books and materials and assist library users;

                   iii.        To collect useful documents and identifies these for research purposes develops a suitable system of classification arrangement, storage and retrieval of information;

                   iv.        To acquire suitable publications and Keep records of circulation and materials;

                    v.        To code, classify, and catalog books, publications, films, audio-visual aids, and other library materials based on subject matter or standard library classification systems;

                   vi.        To organize collections of books, publications, documents, audio-visual aids, and other reference materials for convenient access ;

                  vii.        To compile lists of books, periodicals, articles, and audio-visual materials on particular subjects;

                viii.        To compile lists of overdue materials, and notify borrowers that their materials are overdue;

                   ix.        To provide information requested by library users, and

                    x.        To collect useful documents and identify these for research purposes;

                   xi.        To develop a suitable system of classification arrangement, storage and retrieval of information;

                  xii.        To acquire suitable publications;

                xiii.        To initiate development of information and documentation system;

                xiv.        To maintain TAFORI database and archives for all documents of the Organization; and

                  xv.        To perform any other related duties as may be assigned by Supervisor.

Holder of Bachelor Degree in one of the following fields: Library Sciences, Library and Information, Information Management or its equivalent from a recognized Institution.