Baseline and Endline Surveys Job
Location | Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of |
Date Posted | November 22, 2022 |
Category | Management |
Job Type | Full-time |
Currency | TZS |

Objectives of baseline and endline assessments:
• Establish baseline values for all 12 projects
• Gather relevant data/information through the baseline to support the monitoring process, decision-making, and endline assessment process.
• Establish endline values for all 12 projects
• Track the projects’ impact against intended outcomes
• Document the impacts and the learnings from project implementation
• Track any possible unintended outcomes or cases of climate maladaptation
The supplier is expected to be able to:
• develop and tailor baseline and endline assessments for each of the projects, in collaboration with the GSMA Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning team
• produce an analytical and user-friendly report of the results for each baseline and endline assessment conducted
The supplier must be able to meet the objectives and deliverables in the following phases:
Phase 1: Baseline/endline study alignment and preparation
This is an inception phase where the supplier and the GSMA team will have a series of a meetings to agree approach and design. Deliverables in this phase are as follows:
1. Review of GSMA Innovation Fund for Climate Resilience and Adaptation portfolio MEL plan and each project’s MEL framework. The supplier is expected to include measurement of performance indicators that the GSMA has developed for each of the project within the baseline and endline assessments. The supplier should assess the feasibility of the metrics and propose alternatives if needed.
2. Develop instruments or data collection tools (survey, interview, and discussion guide) for baseline and endline studies, both qualitative and quantitative approaches. For the majority of the projects, a remote phone-based survey is the preferred data collection method. However, suggestions for alternative approaches are welcome.
Deliverable 1: A brief inception report as outlined above, to include a workplan, timeline, learning questions, and proposed tools. January 2023.
Phase 2: Baseline assessments
1. Conduct data collection for baseline assessments and ensure data quality to provide good baseline data relevant to measure impact.
2. Conduct data analysis and present findings in an analytical and user-friendly report for each project.
Deliverable 2: Produce 12 baseline reports to outline the status before project implementation and the potential outcomes if the project is implemented. Expected January 2023 to July 2023.
Phase 3: Endline assessments
1. Conduct data collection for endline assessments ensure data quality to provide good data relevant to measure impact.
2. Conduct data analysis and present findings in an analytical and user-friendly report for each project.
Deliverable 3: Produce 12 endline reports to outline the impact of each project in relation to key performance indicators and intended outcomes. a draft report of endline study showcasing the project’s impact (compared to the baseline), and identify lessons learned from the project implementation. Expected February 2024 to April 2024.
The GSMA Innovation Fund for Climate Resilience and Adaptation projects are scheduled to commence November 2022 and end by April 2024.
Applying Instructions
Please contact and for the full terms of reference and further details on how to apply.
The supplier will need to review the full terms of reference and respond with a proposal, at a minimum, that includes the following requirements:
• Previous experience in monitoring and evaluation of international development and humanitarian aid projects, specifically relating to climate change.
• Previous relevant experience of conducting baseline and endline assessments in Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Somalia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Liberia, Nepal, Philippines and Pakistan.
• The proposed approach – comprehensive responses to all questions and/or information sought in Section 3 and any proposed changes to the approach as set out above, details on how the supplier would structure the project, and initial proposals on potentially relevant stakeholders.
• A detailed budget and timeline – including fee rates for all key staff members, the number of days allocated to specific tasks, and any anticipated reimbursable expenses.
• CVs of all proposed team members.