Invitation To Bid for Supply Of Education
Location | Kagera, Tanzania, United Republic of |
Date Posted | November 28, 2023 |
Category | Education / Teaching |
Job Type | Full-time |
Currency | TZS |

HUMULIZA Organization is a registered Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) established in 1997 to provide psychosocial support (PSS) to orphans and vulnerable children (OVC). It is located in Nshamba ward, Muleba District, Kagera region of Tanzania in East Africa. The organization was created in response to a household survey conducted in 1996, which discovered that HIV/AIDS was a key factor for a growing number of child-headed households (CHH) and orphans. HUMULIZA Organization was officially registered on 21 December 2005 under the Non-Governmental Organization Act No. 24 of 2002 with Registration No. 0586 and on 28th February 2022 was issued with new registration under NGO Act No. OONGO/R1/00481. Since its inception, HUMULIZA has 25 successful years of operation with good performance and very strong PSS approaches to support MVCs/OVC wellbeing.
Currently HUMULIZA is implementing ACHIEVE Project (Adolescents and Children HIV Incidence Reduction, Empowerment, and Virus Elimination) which is a five-year global project with the focus of reaching and sustain HIV epidemic control among pregnant and breastfeeding women, adolescents, infants, and children in 8 councils of Kagera region.
The project is funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by a Pact led consortium of top global HIV/AIDS partners, including JHPIEGO, Palladium. No Means No Worldwide, and WI-HER.
HUMULIZA through ACHIEVE Project invites bids from eligible suppliers to supply 8,971 Education Subsidies Kits.
Objective of the Assignment
The overall objective of this assignment is to procure 8,971 education subsidies kits as per description table below. Delivery will be at our offices located at Nshamba, Muleba, Kagera Region.
"All items must be packed in the backpack, except for the receipt form which will be collected and submitted to HUULIZA
Applying Instructions
Interested vendors should request the full Terms of Reference (TOR) through email with the subject line "TOR for Procurement of Supply of education subsidies" to before 5th January 2024, at 11.00am.
All questions and requests for clarification should be directed to with the subject line "Request for Supply of education subsides" before 5th January 2024.
Eligibility Criteria
Vendors must be legally operating in Tanzania, and the tender document must include all the following information:
• Ability to meet or exceed the Requirements/Specifications outlined above.
• Ability to deliver the items/services no later than the date(s) required.
• Must be legally registered in Tanzania
Evaluation Criteria:
• Price
• Financial capability
• Experience
• Quality of items to be supplied (Shortlisted applicants will be required to submit samples).
• Delivery terms
Submission Instructions:
1. Draft inception report detailing the methodology for supplying and distributing education subsidies kits, including tentative work plan, for review and approval by Humuliza Organization.
2. Tender validity is 90 days
3. Current company profile.
4. Copies of office registration certificates, addresses, valid
1. business licenses, VAT certificates, TIN certificates, and Tax clearance certificates.
5. Items specifications are fully addressed in the tender document
6. Current Audited financial statements for two current consecutive years
7. Delivery time must be specified.
8. Payment terms will be 100% after delivery
9. Evidence of similar assignments and at least two quote or contracts of clients served.
10. Shortlisted vendors will be required to submit samples similar to or close to the sample provided by Humuliza Organization.
11. All vendors are encouraged to attend during tender bid opening date.
Vendors interested should submit their proposal in sealed envelopes to Humuliza Organization
All sealed envelopes should be marked as Tender for Procurement of Education Subsidies
Office Address:
P.O.BOX 48.
HUMULIZA will open bids on 6 January 2024 at 12:00pm. In the presence of bidders or their representatives who will choose to attend.
• Price quotes must be in Tanzania Shillings and include Tax separately
• Proposals submitted through emails will not be considered.
• Proposals received after that time, or at a different address shall not be accepted.