International long-term Expert
Location | Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of |
Date Posted | July 10, 2023 |
Category | Management |
Job Type | Full-time |
Currency | TZS |

About the job
Health Focus GmbH and evaplan GmbH are jointly recruiting a team of qualified professionals for the following tender of the German International Development Agency GIZ in Tanzania. We are looking for an international expert with the profile listed below.
If you are interested in the position and in working with us, please send us your CV. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. For project details and the job description for the position, please see the information below.
Background information on the tendered work packages
The tendered work packages are part of the German Development Cooperation in the health sector in Tanzania, which aims to improve the quality and quantity of health services.
The work packages aim to improve the performance of selected health facilities in obstetric care and neonatology on the one hand (output 1) and in youth-friendly family planning services on the other (output 2).
The work packages should include the following activities:
Work package 1: Comprehensive Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (CEmONC)
To improve the capacity of the supported hospitals and health centres to provide high quality, functional and empathic emergency obstetric care services to pregnant women, their newborns, and families, including:
- CEmONC mentor training
- CEmONC training for health care workers
- Refresher training for health care workers on the 9 recognized comprehensive emergency obstetric care signal functions; documentation of care; use of data for decision making; and respectful maternity and family centred care
- Onboarding training
- Training of health care workers on recognition, management and referral of cases of gender-based violence and violence against children
- Training in safe blood management
- Provide mentorship
- Facilitate clinical attachment of health care workers
- Support MPDSR meeting at regional level
- Advise and support the health facility management teams to improve quality of documentation and use of data, sustain availability of medicines, medical supplies, and laboratory reagents, ascertain availability of blood and blood products, ensure availability of medical oxygen, guarantee availability of professional anaesthesia services
- Establish functional referral system
- Work package 2: New-born care
- To improve the capacity of the selected hospitals and health centres to provide high quality, functional and empathic care for small and sick newborns and to stabilize critically ill neonates before referral, including:
- Newborn care mentor training
- Training of health care workers in IPC, the healthy newborn, newborn triage checklist, prematurity, KMC, infant feeding, management of common newborn diagnoses, newborn resuscitation, discharge, and follow-up, (pre)referral management, essential newborn care, stabilizing sick and small newborns before referral and care of stable newborns etc.
- Training in planned preventive maintenance
- Onboarding training
- Provide mentorship
- Facilitate clinical attachment of health care workers
- Develop newborn care onboarding concept for induction of newcomers in newborn care service provision areas
- Advise and support the health facility management teams to improve quality of data collection, presentation, and use; establish a functional referral system from one facility to a higher level; improving staff retention; ensuring availability and functionality of NCU equipment; improving availability of medicines, medical supplies, blood products, laboratory reagents, medical oxygen for newborn care
Work Package 3: Family Planning (FP)
To improve access to youth-friendly family planning services for young people. This includes increasing demand through education and improving the youth-friendliness of health services.
- FP mentor training
- Training of health care workers on comprehensive contraception counselling and service provision (including provision of postpartum FP)
- Training of health care workers on adolescents and youth friendly services including contraception counselling, communication with gatekeepers, detecting, and managing cases of GBV, and FP provision for people with disabilities
- Onboarding training
- Provide mentorship
- IEC materials: Support health facilities in sourcing information, education and communication (IEC) materials on family planning from within the Government system
- Develop onboarding concept for induction of newcomers in youth friendly service provision areas
- Provide organizational development support to health facilities to integrate family planning with other services and the concept for provider’s social and behaviour change communication use of SOPs in service delivery
- Outreach: Support (technically and financially) the regional and council health management teams to conduct integrated family planning outreach services
Tasks and profile sought for the position of team leader
The international long-term expert will work on a full-time basis from October 2023 to March 2026 (30 months) from Tanga and will travel frequently to Dar Es Salaam and Dodoma.
Tasks of the team leader
- Take overall responsibility for the 3 work packages and achievement of objective
- Take overall responsibility for the management of finances, including checking the use of funds and financial planning in consultation with the GIZ
- Personnel management, including long- and short-term experts
- Ensuring that monitoring procedures are carried out and regular reporting is done in accordance with deadlines
- Support updating and/or adapting the project strategy, in evaluations and in preparing a follow-on phase
- Taking cross-cutting themes into consideration (for example, gender equality)
- Ensure regular exchange with GIZ programme management and implementation of joint resolutions and binding guidance through GIZ
- Provide technical inputs into all work packages
- Design, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of capacity development measures for local partners in the following areas comprehensive emergency obstetric and newborn care (CEmONC) and Family Planning
- Ensuring that all clinical training provided is in line with WHO as well as national standards and guidelines
- Provide oversight of quality of the implementation of clinical training and mentoring
- Participation in and contribution to sub TWGs and national RMNCAH on request by GIZ
- Contribution to knowledge management and ensuring smooth transfer of data and knowledge (documents, tools, training materials, posters) to GIZ during and upon completion of the assignment
- Maintaining contact with other implementing partners, development partners etc.
Qualifications of the team leader
- University degree in medicine and completed specialisation in obstetrics/gynecology or general medicine plus Master's degree in public health or Master of Science degree in public health/health service related fields.
- C2 Language skills in English and German
General work experience:
- 15 years of professional experience in the health sector
Specific work experience:
- 7 years working as a clinician, 5 years working experience in improving the quality of health care with a focus on reproductive health, maternal or newborn care.
Leadership/management experience:
- 8 years of management/leadership experience as a project team leader of health projects.
Regional experience:
- 5 years' experience in projects in low- or middle-income countries
Experience in development cooperation (DC):
- 5 years of experience with DC projects; experience with GIZ or in GIZ programmes is desirable