Village Executive III (4)

at Same District Council
Location Same, Tanzania, United Republic of
Date Posted May 22, 2024
Category Administration
Job Type Contract
Currency TZS


  1. Accounts Officer and chief executive of the village government;
  2. To manage the protection and safety of citizens and their properties, to be a peacekeeper and administrator of good governance in the village;
  3. Coordinating and managing the planning of village development plans;
  4. Secretary of all meetings and committees of the village Council;
  5. Interpreting and Administering Policies, Laws and Procedures;
  6. To prepare information on the implementation of work in his area and to motivate citizens in preparing and implementing strategies to eliminate hunger, poverty and increase wealth production;
  7. The leader of the heads of the specialized units in the village;
  8. Manage, collect and store all records and documents of the village;
  9. Chairman of the meeting of experts present in the village;
  10. Receive, listen and resolve citizens' complaints and disputes;
  11. Supervise the formulation of village Bylaws; and 
  12. He will be responsible to the Chief Executive of the Ward.
QUALIFICATION AND EXPERIENCEEmployed with a Fourth (IV) or Sixth (VI) education who has completed a Diploma/Certificate training in one of the following fields: Administration, Law, Social Education, Financial Management, Social Development and Arts Science from the Government College of Local Hombolo, Dodoma or any College recognized by the Government.