Village Executive Grade III

at Pangani District Council
Location Pangani, Tanzania, United Republic of
Date Posted June 11, 2024
Category Administration
Job Type Full-time
Currency TZS


• Accounts Officer and chief executive of the village government;

• To manage the protection and safety of citizens and their properties, to be a peacekeeper and administrator of good governance in the village;

• Coordinating and managing the planning of village development plans;

• Secretary of all meetings and committees of the village Council;
• Interpreting and Administering Policies, Laws and Procedures;
• To prepare information on the implementation of work in his area and to motivate citizens in preparing and implementing strategies to eliminate hunger, poverty and increase wealth production;

• The leader of the heads of the specialized units in the village;
• Manage, collect and store all records and documents of the village;

• Chairman of the meeting of experts present in the village;
• Receive, listen and resolve citizens’ complaints and disputes;
• Supervise the formulation of village Bylaws; and
• He will be responsible to the Chief Executive of the Ward.

• Employed with a Fourth (IV) or Sixth (VI) education who has completed a Diploma/Certificate training in one of the following fields: Administration, Law, Social Education, Financial Management, Social Development and Art Science from the Government College of Local Hombolo, Dodoma or any College recognized by the Government.