Term of Reference for Impact Evaluation of WID/GAD Programme on Human Rights in Zanzibar
Location | Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of |
Date Posted | November 21, 2024 |
Category | Management |
Job Type | Full-time |
Currency | TZS |

Term of Reference for Impact Evaluation of WID/GAD Programme on Human Rights in Zanzibar, Project No. 142-024-1011ZG (August 2022-July 2025)
Target Group of the Project
The population living in the Central District and its 42 is 76, 346 people (37,838 Female and 38,538 Male). The total population of the 6 targeted is 10,803 people. A Shehia consists of about 250 households. A household has on average 5 to 7 members. The people to be reached by the project in the 6 shehias(ward/sub village) are local leaders, religious leaders, paralegals, youths and community members. In the 10 primary/secondary schools the direct target groups are teachers, students and parents. The project plan to reach at least 5,000 people in the project area.
In order to develop a participatory project which will effectively address the needs of people and achieve a positive impact on the upcoming project, we conducted a needs assessment to facilitate a greater understanding of the livelihood condition of the communities of Unguja Ukuu Kaebona. The exercise allowed us to have in-depth knowledge of the community whom we plan to work with.
The purpose was to analyze the general situation of the living conditions of the communities in Unguja Ukuu Kaebona Sub-village in Central District which includes learning with them by action, identifying the problems they are facing, proposing the solution and finally ranking their problem by prioritizing the most pressing needs which need immediately intervention and developing participatory project plan for the action to be taken.
The health and human rights situation (women and child rights) in the 6 Shehias and 10 primary and secondary schools in the Central District of Zanzibar has improved.
Objective no. 1: The human rights situation of women targeted by the project is improved. Indicators: 1.1. The percentage of women who were able to reduce their workload has increased from 20% to 60%.
1.2. The percentage of human rights violations against women in the project region that are reported to the police or Shehia leaders has increased from 10% to 50%.
1.3. The percentage of couples who practice family budgeting and co-own properties has increased from 10% to 50%.
Objective no. 2: The human rights situation of the primary and secondary school students targeted by the project is improved
Indicators: 2.1. The percentage of primary and secondary school students knowing where to refer to in cases of child rights violations against them has increased from 18% to 50%.
2.2. The percentage of school dropouts has decreased from 70% to 20% in the project area.
2.3. The percentage of children and youths in the project area accessing basic needs and respecting the law has increased from 10% to 60%.
Objective no. 3: The human rights situation in the project area is improved with a view to human trafficking, drug abuse and physical violence. Indicators:
3.1. The percentage of people in the project area who are aware of and respect human rights has increased from 10% to 50%.
3.2. The percentage of human rights violations that have been legally handled has increased from 10% to 50%.
1.1 The Purpose of the Evaluation
The purpose of this consultancy is forward looking and will assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability of implementation of the project for the period of three years i.e. 2022 to 2025; and provide strategic recommendations for the next phase of the project. The evaluation will assess the progress and milestones made towards achieving the project goal and objectives. The evaluation will also determine how the intended and unintended results were achieved and inform future plan through the second phase of the project. Specifically, the consultancy will focus on five evaluation yardsticks as follow:
• Relevance: Examine the extent to which changing local, national, regional and international context and Catholic Diocese of Zanzibar and opportunities have and are impacting implementation; assess how the project was relevant in the project areas, assess what has been the community members’ response to the project, to take stock of how the members of community who have participated in the project are responding to the attainment of the project objectives.
• Efficiency and effectiveness of the project regarding the utilization of resources and all forms of operationalization of the project (i.e. systems, structures etc.); effectiveness and efficiency of the different structures used to implement the project, within the Diocese, and within the community, 3 assess the effectiveness, efficiency and set up and operations to support the effective delivery, the effectiveness of the strategies used to respond to the elimination of the gender imbalances in the project communities, assess the efficient management of financial support availed.
• Impact: Assess the progress made in the implementation/performance of the projects against the goal and objectives set, identifying both qualitative and quantitative results and milestones the project attained and played significant impact. Assess how/ to what extent the achievements of the project have contributed towards the project outcomes, document both intended and unintended results of the project, Identify and document the lesson learned to guide second phase of the implementation and render accountability to project stakeholders, including funding partners.
• Sustainability: Analyze aspects (challenges and opportunities) of the project that worked well and should continue, that did not work well but should be strengthened, and that did not work well and should be discontinued. Recommend best practices that would ensure continuity of the project after complete phasing out of the funding.
1.2 The specific objectives of the Evaluation
1. To develop comprehensive inception report detailing the processes and proposed methodology (i.e. approaches and tools) to be used in carrying this study.
2. To assess and measure attainment of the project goal and objectives including the milestones registered incorporating documentation of the intended and unintended results of the project.
• To undertake an external evaluation to assess the performance of the project based on the key evaluation areas of relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, sustainability and impact contributed by the project
1. To document the project best practices and key learnings drawn and thus insight strategic recommendations on what improvements can be made in future interventions through this project.
2.1 Methodology used
The evaluation intends to assess the extent to which project has contributed to realization of the goal and objectives. A combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods will be used in this evaluation. Through an external consultant engaged to carry out the evaluation, interviews of key members of the community, Community leaders, Diocesan leaders, focal persons including Project Coordinator, and other members of the project implementation team.
A desk study will further analyze the documents from planning and training workshops, periodic reports of the program and the correspondences. The methodology and approach of the evaluation will be finalized with the Consultant once identified. Respondents will be drawn from individual direct and indirect target groups as including the methods, approaches and tools to collect information shall include key informants’ interviews, focus group discussion, observations and structured interviews.
It is expected that the consultant will provide details on which methods fits well with which group of respondents and how each tool will be administered. Basic and important data regarding the project performance to date shall be collected through review of the following documents: baseline report, final project application, cooperation agreement (and all relevant annexure), progress reports, monitoring reports, audited financial accounts among others. Based on this the consultant is also expected to show his other creative approaches and methods that will led to the quality outcome from this process.
The consultant is expected to deliver the following:
1. Develop of an inception report prior to initiating the evaluation survey highlighting details of the deliverables and methodologies, data collection strategy, detailed tools and instruments, and work schedule (First the inception report will be approved by the Diocesan-management before allowing the evaluation to take off. This would include all practical operational tools that would be deployed in during the survey, the work plan.
2. A final evaluation report which shall be presented to the Diocesan team. The report should include among other the following key areas:
• An Executive Summary
• Principal findings per each objective, including an impact table showing comparison of baseline information with the current achieved data for progress review, un expected findings, and lessons learned that could be useful in future
• Evaluation yardstick including relevancy, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the project.
• Conclusions and recommendations for future
• Annexes with study methodology, key research questions, data evidence and analysis
The work is expected to be done from 10th December, 2024 to 20th December, 2024. A work schedule provided detailed number of days of the activities implementation for monitoring purposes is provided below.
S/N | Activities | Days | Deliverable | Timeframe | Responsibility |
1 | Preparation: Kick-off, analysis of relevant documents, development of evaluation design. | 1 | Planning session | ||
Project documents review. | 2 | Understanding of the project | |||
Preparation and submission of the inception report including the proposed evaluation tools. | 1 | Inception report | |||
Review of the evaluation tools and inception report (feedback from the GAD team and GAD MEL coordinator). | 2 | Refined evaluation tools and inception report | |||
Data collection (in the field). | 10 | Available data | |||
Data entry and analysis of findings (details are outlined in the inception report). | 2 | Interpretation of the analyzed data | |||
Preparation and submission of the first draft report. | 4 | First draft document | |||
Presentation of the first draft document at GAD, feedback from GAD | 1 | ||||
Incorporating GAD feedback from the presentation into the document | 1 | Draft report | |||
Feedback on the draft report from GAD | 2 | Commented draft report | |||
Preparation of the final report | 1 | Final report | |||
Presentation of the final report. | 1 | Final report | |||
Total number of days allocated for consultants | 29 | ||||
Total number of the whole evaluation |
5.1 Role of Development department project team
• Provide list of all stakeholders for the survey to enable the consultant to select a representative sample.
• Ensuring all logistic issues including sending invitation to the respective project areas, arranging venue for meeting and sending invitation to local government authorities and other relevant stakeholders needed to be consulted during this assignment.
• The Diocese will ensure that the external evaluator receive relevant documentation to enable a thorough desk review.
5.2 Expected roles of the External Evaluator:
After accepting the offer, the evaluator will crystallize the evaluation methodology and discuss it with the Diocese management and GAD team for relevance and budgetary implications. The methodology should include:
• Developing a data collection tool that reflects the questions proposed above. The data collection tool will be developed by the evaluator and will be reviewed Development Department project team in collaboration.
• Analyzing the data availed through the data collection tool.
• Reviewing the main documents of the program and analyzing information derived from minutes, publications and presentations made at meetings and consultations.
• Conducting field visits.
• Consulting with the key interviewees.
• Preparing and presenting the draft and final report of the evaluation to the Diocese by the agreed time frame
• The external evaluator is expected to source all relevant external documents for the execution of the assignment, Consultants will have to read and familiarize themselves with Catholic Diocese of Zanzibar and GAD office policies on fraud & corruption, conflict of interest, and non -disclosure of information to not only understand their responsibilities and GAD expectations on their conduct, but also fully commit to complying with them.
The consultants will have to respect the professional rules of conduct without any reproach in the conduct of their mandate. Furthermore, the consultants will ensure not to tarnish the image of Catholic Diocese of Zanzibar in the execution of their assignment. The Diocese will reserve the right to terminate the contract on this assignment in proven cases of misconduct that can harm her image.
6.1 Evaluation design/inception report
The inception report (maximum of 10 main pages) shall provide a feedback on how the objectives, questions and reports as described in the TOR can be achieved within the evaluation. Suggestions can be made to supplement or restrict the ToR. These suggestions, especially when the modifications concerning objectives of the evaluation and crucial questions, have to be approved by Diocese management/GAD team and GAD MEL coordinator in written form as this is an alteration within the original contract.
For the inception report the following structure is suggested:
1. Key data of the evaluation: Name, number, duration of the project to be evaluated, title of the evaluation, principal of the evaluation (who will commission the evaluation), contractor of the evaluation, date of the report.
2. Feedback/amendment to the TOR: Are all parts of the TOR clear to the evaluation team? Is the focus of the evaluation clearly defined? If any, suggestions for amendments of the ToR are presented in a form so that the principal can accept or disagree.
3. Current status of the preparation: Composition of the evaluation team (qualifications, allocation of tasks, who is team leader/coordinator?), estimated timetable and work days for the evaluation team. Report about identified problems and risks.
4. Evaluation design and methodology: Report about the chosen qualitative and/or quantitative methods and further steps on how to implement them in the evaluation (selection of samples, strategies for analysis and collecting data, further specific evaluation questions, hypothesis on outcomes and impacts, description of the planned contacts and visits with explanation). Measures to be taken to get adequate information for gender analysis. Tools for data collection and data analysis (e.g. presentation of questionnaires, checklist/guides).
5. Key results/findings: with regard to the questions pointed out in the TOR/inception report (including project and context analysis), assessment of the extent to which issues of equity and gender are incorporated in the project.
6. Conclusions based on evidence and analysis.
7. Recommendations regarding future steps/activities/follow-up – carefully targeted to the appropriate audiences at all levels, relevant and feasible (if possible, for each conclusion a recommendation).
8. Recommendations implementation plan (filled by GAD department).
9. Lessons learnt (generalizations of conclusions applicable for wider use).
10. Annexes (TOR, list of persons/organizations’ consulted, gender distribution and social representation of the respondents, literature and documentation consulted, evaluation tools, recommendation table etc.)
This exercise should be conducted with an expert with diverse skills in undertaking the qualitative research skills and conversant in undertaking evaluation. The external evaluator should be familiar and have good knowledge and understanding of the Catholic Church in Tanzania/Zanzibar. In short, the evaluator’s profile should include the following qualification, competency and skills:
1. Bachelor Degree in relevant fields including Social sciences, Rural Development and
Sociology and development studies (relevant Masters’ degree is an added advantage) ii. Practical knowledge and experience in conducting evaluation surveys. iii. Strong analytical skills and proven extensive experience in quantitative and qualitative data collection analysis
1. Excellent English and Swahili communication skills (oral and written presentations)
2. Solid understanding of rural development in Tanzania, social, cultural issues, and governance issues in Tanzania.
3. Be a good facilitator and familiar with working with the faith based organization