Tender For Supply Of Home Roasting Tools
Location | Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of |
Date Posted | January 18, 2024 |
Category | Logistics Management NGO |
Job Type | Contract |
Currency | TZS |

SUSTAINABLE GROWERS RWANDA Block 33, Mwenge St. Vwawa, Mbozi – Songwe
P.O.Box 677, Mbozi – Songwe – Tanzania
Tender For Supply Of Home Roasting Tools
1. Introduction
Sustainable Growers Rwanda (SGR) is a local NGO having a goal of improving the livelihoods of low-income women farmers and their families through collective trainings that create the basis for more transparent trade, improved quality, and higher prices in the coffee sector.
In this perspective, Sustainable Growers is looking for potential companies to supply home roasting tools to the six AMCOS located in the Mbozi District in Songwe Region – Tanzania (Hasambo, Halungu, Ruanda, Ng’amba, Muungano-Hatelele and Malolo).
2. General qualifications and required documents.
Interested companies should meet the following requirements:
1. Having experience of 3 years in performing similar services
2. Providing 3 recommendation letters of similar or related services
3. Having a BRELA registration certificate or Business license
4. Tax clearance certificate issued by Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA).
5. A confirmation that the bidder has an Electronic Fiscal Device (EFD) machine.
3. Financial proposal
The process in response to this RFQ must include the transport cost of the materials to the six mentioned sites and should be all taxes inclusive and presented in Tanzania currency. Prices must remain valid within the period agreed upon in the framework contract. However, they can be reviewed in case of a fortuitous event.
4. Items and their specifications
S/N Item Qty
1. Roasting Plate 65
2. Mortar and Pestle 65
3. Hand-woven Plate 65
4. Thermos 65
5. Filter 65
6. Plastic Jug 65
7. Spoon stainless steel 1,001
8. Stainless steel traditional kettle 3 to 4 litters 65
9. Metal Pot (10 litters) 65
10. Glaves(Heavy duty) 1 pair per kit 65
11. Inner Tube/ Bombalaya ndani ya pikipiki 65
SUSTAINABLE GROWERS RWANDA Block 33, Mwenge St. Vwawa, Mbozi – Songwe
P.O.Box 677, Mbozi – Songwe – Tanzania
12. Hand grinder 65
13. Coffee cups (SGR branded) 1,001
14. Ropes (15M) 65
5. Evaluation Criteria and award
The Framework Contract will be signed between Sustainable Growers and the bidder whose offer follows the RFQ instructions, meets eligibility requirements, and receives the highest score out of a determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria. The bidder will also present the samples of tools for evaluating that are complying with specification required.
The best bidder will be chosen through a quality and cost-based selection method in accordance with SGR procedures. Sustainable Growers Rwanda may conduct negotiations with and/or request clarifications from any offer prior to award.
6. Confidentiality and Information Governance
All documents related to this RFQ shall remain the property of Sustainable Growers.
Sustainable Growers reserves the right to disclose all documents relating to this Procurement Process, including without limitation your tender response, to any employee, third party agent, adviser, or other third party involved in the procurement in support of, and/or in collaboration with Sustainable Growers.
Applying Instructions
Interested companies must submit their bid documents electronically via:
recruitment@sustainablegrowers.org and copy: anitha@sustainablegrowers.org not later than 25th January 2024 at 5:00 PM local time. Late bids will be automatically rejected by the system. Only selected company will be communicated. For more inquiries, please contact us on +250 788348961
Done at Kigali, on 15th January 2024
Christine CONDO
Executive Director – Sustainable Growers Rwanda