Provision of Information for Supply of Goods/services tender

at M&P Exploration Production Tanzania Ltd
Location Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of
Date Posted September 29, 2024
Category Management
Job Type Full-time
Currency TZS


Tanzaniaz (Ref. No. MPEP/2024/TM/017)
1. M&P Exploration Production Tanzania Ltd. (MPEP), an upstream producer of natural gas from the Mnazi
Bay gas field in Mtwara region hereby invites potential suppliers to express their interest and provide
information for the supply of the following below services.
2. Vendors and Suppliers situated physically in Mtwara are encouraged to apply as well as vendors who can
provide multiple services.
Marine Transportation and Vessels Provisions
. Provision of Rental or Hire of Sea/Ocean Vessel for Freight Forwarding Equipment and Materials to
Mtwara, Tanzania.
. Barges, Sea Vessels and LCT
. The routing will be a shuttling service between Dar es Salaam Port to Mnazi Bay or Mtwara Port to Mnazi
Bay and vice versa.
. Suitable for open ocean and island docking
. Properly trained crew and safety certificates
. Demonstrated ability to offload cargo from Shore to Vessel and vice versa
Sea Vessel for International Cargo to Mtwara, Tanzania
. Provision of Rental or Hire of Sea/Ocean Vessel for Freight Forwarding Equipment and Materials from
different parts of the world to Mtwara Port, Tanzania.
. The origin of equipment will be varying but not limited to between Asia, UAE and Europe.
. Suitable for open ocean and island docking
. Properly and experienced trained crew and safety certificates
. Demonstrated ability to offload cargo from Shore to Vessel and vice versa
3. This call for Request for Information (RFI) marks an open, transparent, and competitive tender process.
Detailed scope of work will be issued to qualified bidders upon demand.
4. Potential suppliers must submit information to demonstrate their capability and competency. This must
include but not limited to the following:
a) Experience with Service Provision to Oil and Gas Operations or similar scope
b)Summary of service provision of similar type of service in the last 2 years
c) Audited Financial Statement for the past 3 years
d) Proof of Registration with the local authorities in Tanzania or Country of Origin. This shall include but not
limited to a Company Profile, Certificate of Registration with BRELA, Tax Authority Clearance
Certificates for Tax Identification Number and VRN Certificate, Valid Business Licenses, EWURA and
PURA Registration References and Certificates, Relevant Vessels Certifications and Tax Clearance
e) International companies with ability to team up with local entity in any form as per the Local Content
Regulations, 2017.
5. All correspondence regarding this enquiry shall be made in writing and communicated by e-mail to