Provision of Consultancy Services tender

at CBM
Location Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of
Date Posted July 14, 2024
Category Consultancy
Job Type Contract
Currency TZS


Provision of Consultancy Services to conduct the Baseline Survey for Inclusive
Education Programme in Southern Highland, Tanzania.

Project Information

  • Project Number: P.10534
  • Partner Organisation: Child Support Tanzania (CST)
  • Project Title: Take All My Friends to School: Strengthening the Inclusive Education System in Tanzania
  • Project Duration: 4.5 Years (1st July 2023 to 31st December 2027)
  • Country/Region: Tanzania/Mbeya

Survey Information

  • Survey Purpose: The aim of the requested consultancy is to assess the situation and determine the baseline values of the key impact of a proposed project by CBM and Child Support Tanzania. The consultancy will systematically check the extent to which the project approach can plausibly achieve the planned changes under the existing framework conditions in terms of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability. The survey is also expected to provide baseline information and give recommendations for the project design and set targets to achieve project results.
  • Evaluation Type: Baseline Survey
  • Commissioning Organisation/Contact Person: CBM Tanzania
  • Evaluation Team: External Consultant
  • Survey Duration: One (1) Month
  • Recipient of the Final Evaluation: BMZ, CBM, Child Support Tanzania

Application Deadline: 17 July 2024
All expressions of interest should be submitted by email to:

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