Invitation For Tender
Location | Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of |
Date Posted | February 8, 2024 |
Category | Engineering Management |
Job Type | Full-time |
Currency | TZS |

1. Shirika la Usafiri Dar es salaam Limited (UDA) has set aside funds for its operations during the financial year 2024. It is intended that part of the funds will be used to cover payments under the contract for Goods, Works, Non-Consultancy Services and Consultancy Services.
2. Shirika la Usafiri Dar es salaam Limited (UDA) now invites sealed Tenders from eligible Tenderers who are capable to carry out tenders as indicated below: –
S/N | Tender No. | Tender Description | ProcurementMethod | Tender Fee (TZS) |
1. | PA/106/2024/UDA/NCS/01 | Provision of Cleaning Services for Offices and surrounding environment for UDART | National Competitive Tendering | 50,000.00 |
3. Description of the Space for Tender No. PA/106/2024/UDA/NCS/01 for Provision of Cleaning Services for Offices and Surrounding Environment for UDART
S/No. | Description of Cleaning areas |
1. | Cleaning Services for Offices and Surrounding Environment for UDART |
4. Tendering will be conducted through the procurement method indicated in column 4 above as specified in the Public Procurement Regulations, 2013 – Government Notice No. 446 and is open to all Tenderers as defined in the Regulations.
5. Interested eligible Tenderers may obtain further information from and inspect the Tendering Documents at the office of the secretary of UDA tender board Jangwani BRT Depot, Dar es Salaam. PO. Box 872 Dar es salaam from 08:00 to 16:00 hrs local time on Mondays to Fridays except on public holidays.
6. A complete set of Tendering Document(s) in English language and additional set may be purchased by interested Tenderers on the submission of a written application to Director General, Shirika la Usafirishaji Dar es salaam Limited (UDA), P. O. Box 872, Dar es Salaam and upon payment of a non-refundable fee as specified in specific tender document(s). Payment must be made in cash to UDART cashier.
7. Details of the specific tender are available at the PMU UDART Head Office. PMU Office located at Jangwani BRT Depot, 1st floor of operations building
8. Site visit will be located at BRT Jangwani Depot.
9. All tenders in one (1) original plus two (2) copies properly filled in, and enclosed in plain envelopes clearly marked TENDER NO: PA/106/2024/UDA/NCS/01 FOR PROVISION OF CLEANING SERVICES FOR OFFICE AND SURROUNDED ENVIRONMENT FOR UDART. Must be delivered to the address office of the secretary of UDA tender board PMU Office at Jangwani Office, PO. Box 872 Dar es salaam, Tenders will be opened promptly thereafter in public and in the presence of Tenderers’ representatives who choose to attend in the opening at the UDART Board room located at BRT Jangwani Depot at 1st floor of operations building.
10. Late Tenders, Portion of Tenders, Electronic Tenders, Tenders not received, Tenders not opened and not read out in public at the tender opening ceremony shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances.
Director General
Shirika la Usafirishaji Dares salaam Limited (UDA)
P O. Box 872, Dar es salaam
Tele: +255 22 2928572-4