Forest Officer

at Tanzania Natural Resource Forum (TNRF)
Location Arusha, Tanzania, United Republic of
Date Posted March 5, 2024
Category Management
Job Type Contract
Currency TZS


The Tanzania Natural Resource Forum is a network organization registered in 2006 as a Non- Governmental Organization, with the aim of promoting the improvement of natural resource governance to achieve more sustainable rural livelihoods and better conservation outcomes. TNRF works for improved natural resources governance by helping to bridge the gap between:

People’s local natural resource management needs and practices, and National natural resource management priorities, policies, laws and programs



TNRF seeks to support its members by improving communication, sharing information, promoting collaboration and strengthening collective action.

TNRF facilitates member-driven ‘Working Groups’ on key policy and practice issues that are of direct interest to members. These working groups are very collaborative and provide an opportunity for TNRF’s diverse membership to tackle concerns at a range of different levels. There are currently working groups engaged in TNRF’s three main thematic areas of forestry, wildlife and rangelands. TNRF communications works at a cross cutting level, producing for example a web-site, weekly e-news, policy briefs in collaboration with partners and participatory film or radio targeted at advocacy. TNRF also successfully engages with other stakeholders in establishing round tables for CSOs, donors, international NGOs and government to discuss emerging issues related to the environment.

TNRF in partnership with TaTEDO-Sustainable Energy Services Organization [TaTEDO-SESO] are implementing the 3 years project name “Integrated Sustainable Charcoal Value Chain Promotion Project” funded by the European Union and contracted by The National Authorizing Officer for the European Development Fund (EDF) at Ministry of Finance of the United Republic of Tanzania. The overall objective of the project is to demonstrate and promote effective and efficient integrated approaches for improvement of sustainable forest management and charcoal production in rural areas with the view to increase environmental and charcoal value chain sustainability while promoting socio-economic development. Specifically, the project will improve capacities and commitments by local communities in five districts in Pwani Region (Kisarawe, Mkuranga, Bagamoyo, Rufiji and Kibiti Districts) to improve productivity along the charcoal value chain, sustainably manage forests and improve their socio-economic wellbeing.

In view of this, TNRF seeks to recruit the following two positions:
Position: Forest Officer
Deadline for Application: 02nd March, 2024
Expected Start Date: Immediately
Duty Station: Dar es Salaam
Reporting To: Technical Advisor (Forestry)/ TNRF Executive Director

Purpose of The Position
• Providing technical expertise to the project lead on all technical forestry related matters and ensures program compliance with internal policies and external requirements.

Core Responsibilities
• Responsible for project management of specific outputs:
• In collaboration with local government authorities to support communities along the process of forest management planning in Tanzania including understanding on demarcation of forest areas and preparation of detailed village forest area GIS maps developed from satellite imagery and topographic



• maps including any other documentation including previous land use maps.
• Develop forestry management plan for the forestry shared resources – a joint forest management plan at the landscape level.
• To establish task force that will guide all the harvesting activities in the forest land within village lands.



• Team up with Land Use Planning/GIS officer to develop village land use plan and or joint village land use plan for the villages with shared forestry resources.
• Support community and local government authorities in implementation of forest management plan and by-laws.
• Monitoring and evaluation on the implementation of VFMP activities.
• To strengthen village forests and natural resources committee and supply them with needful equipment and tools such as whistle, torches, etc.
• Facilitate community in use of community-based forest monitoring systems.
• Strengthen management of natural forests for sustainable charcoal production.
• In collaboration with TaTEDO, to strengthen the capacity of institutions responsible for land administration and forestry management at district and village level.

• Forest management and harvesting plans developed.
• Village by-laws and other regulations prepared.
• Taskforce created that will guide all the harvesting activities in the forest land established.
• Forestry Management Plan Gazetted.
• Joint forest management plan at landscape level established.
• Management plan implemented and by-laws & regulations enforced.
• Community-based Forest monitoring plans and system developed.
• Local community trained on use of mobile device and other tools to monitor forest.

• Bsc or MSc in forestry or relevant natural resource management degree and 5 years’ experience in
• forestry or related field or equivalent combination of education and experience.
• Experience with established forestry management plan for the forest shared resources and registration or gazettement of the forest management plan forestry company, NGO or research institution.
• Conversant with the guidelines for forest management planning in Tanzania.
• Experience negotiating with community for shared forestry resources that fall within more than one village boundary.
• Supervisory experience.
• Experience using applications such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and other software including GIS
• Knowledge of forestry and conservation science.
• Ability to explain conservation practices to technical and non-technical audiences.
• Knowledge of current trends and practices in Tanzanian forestry and wood fuels.
• Completing tasks independently with respect to timeline(s).
• Excellent communication skills via written, spoken and graphical means in English and other relevant languages.

Terms of Contract
This is a project funded position for which a fulltime and attractive package commensurate with the nature of the position will be offered per 1 annual basis, renewable on the basis of performance and availability of funds.

Behavior Competencies
Core Competencies
• Communication Communicating orally in a clear manner and adjusting one’s use of language to the receiver’s level. Showing one absorbs and understands important (non) verbal information and asking further questions when necessary.
• Integrity Maintaining high ethical standards both personally and professionally: being incorruptible.
• Working with others
• Taking responsibility to build and maintain positive relationships and valuing the opinion of others.
• Flexibility Adaptable and receptive to new idea. Willing and able to adapt/change one’s
• behaviour and/or views to changing circumstances in order to attain a set goal
• Self- development
• Having insight in one’s identity, values, strengths and weaknesses, interests and ambitions and taking action in order to enhance one’s competences where and when possible.

Job related Competencies
• Distancing oneself from daily routine, exploring ideas for the future, regarding facts from a distance and seeing them in a broader context or in the longer term

Leading groups
• Providing team/group with direction and guidance and encourages cooperation between group/team members in order to attain an objective.

• Developing and maintaining relations, alliances and coalitions within and outside the organisation and using them in order to obtain information, support and cooperation.

Planning and organising
• Setting goals and priorities, indicating the required actions, time and resources to achieve those goals

• Obtaining maximum results in situations of different interests in such a way that all parties accept and agree and relationship is not damaged.

• Influencing other people’s attitudes and opinions and gaining agreement or support for proposals, plans and ideas

Applying Instructions

Interested Candidates for this job are kindly requested to send their CV accompanied by a cover letter and copy of certificates to Copy to 
OR through P.O Box 15605, Arusha, Tanzania.

Indicate in the subject, the specific post you are applying for: Application for Land use planning officer
or Forestry officer.