Field Specialist/Junior Technical Adviser (International)
Location | Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of |
Date Posted | March 25, 2025 |
Category | Management |
Job Type | Full-time |
Currency | TZS |
Forestry, Land Use, and Value Chain Development in Tanzania (FORLAND) is a four-year bilateral project between the governments of Finland and Tanzania (2025-2029). The Project area includes the Iringa, Njombe, Ruvuma, and Lindi regions, which are rich in natural and plantation forest resources. The main headquarters is at Forest and Wood Industries Training Centre (FWITC) in Mafinga. FORLAND helps small woodlot owners establish and manage tree plantations, as well as rural communities manage their Miombo Village Land Forest Reserves using Community Based Forest Management. The project also strengthens the value chain, assisting communities, tree producers, and micro, small, and medium enterprises in adding value to their goods. It builds on the success of the Participatory Plantation Forestry Programme (PFP 2) and Forest and Value Chain Development Programme (FORVAC) to ensure the long-term viability of the achievements and institutions supported. It also closely aligns with the development strategies and priorities of the Finnish and Tanzanian governments, helping to alleviate poverty, create jobs, and strengthen climate resilience. The FORLAND project is recruiting a Field Specialist/Junior Technical Adviser (JTA). The aim of this position is to provide a junior-level Finnish development cooperation expert with exposure to development projects on the ground, as well as practical understanding of project implementation. At the same time, the JTA contributes through her/his professional skills to the project in question and is a full member of the project team consisting of international and national experts. The expert will have diverse tasks and responsibilities contributing to achievement of project results. This position will work under close supervision and mentoring from the technical assistance team leader. The JTA is expected to be a young professional (typically under 32 years old, with some flexibility if profile matches). The expected duties of the JTA are listed below: • Participates in the planning and implementation of Village Land Use Plans (VLUP); • Monitors the implementation of VLUPs with special emphasis on areas planned for protection; • Participates in the preparation of manuals, plans, guidelines, strategies, documents and reports; • Trains young graduates on forestry issues; • Identifies opportunities for partnerships between Finnish and Tanzanian forest enterprises; • Works together with the Monitoring & Expert in monitoring project activities; • Contributes in the implementation of the project communication strategy and plans; • Contributes mainstreaming of the Human Rights Based Approach and the cross-cutting objectives of gender equality and non-discrimination into all Project activities; • Ensures that disaster risk reduction and climate resilience, low emission development and protection of the environment with an emphasis on safeguarding biodiversity are mainstreamed into all Project activities; • Any other duties assigned by Team Leader/Chief Technical Adviser.