Consultancy tender
Location | Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of |
Date Posted | September 4, 2024 |
Category | Consultancy Management |
Job Type | Contract |
Currency | TZS |

Consultancy To Undertake A Mid-Term
Review For The Forum For Misleading
Theology Project
Introduction and Purpose
Danmission is seeking a qualified and experienced consultant to conduct a mid-term review of the Misleading Theology Project, which is being implemented by East of Lake Victoria, Nyakato Lutheran Bible College, in collaboration with 7 Dioceses of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania located in the Lake Zone and Western zone of Tanzania. The project addresses misleading theological interpretations that lead to socio-religious conflicts by assisting victims, correcting misunderstandings, and promoting informed, constructive theological engagement within the Lutheran community. This review will thoroughly assess the projects progress, outcomes, and impact, offering strategic recommendations to strengthen implementation and achieve the projects long-term objectives.
Scope of work
- Review project documents, including proposal, logical frameworks, and progress reports.
- Conduct interviews and focus group discussions with key stakeholders
- Assess the relevance, effectiveness and efficiency, sustainability, and impact of the project A. Identify challenges and lessons learned
- Provide actionable recommendations for improving project implementation Key Deliverables:
- Inception Report detailing methodology, work plan, and budget
- Draft Report for feedback: should cover all areas provided in the TOR
- Final Report with recommendations
Qualifications required:
The consultant should be fluent in Swahili and English, have proven experience conducting theological research or studies, qualitative baseline studies, qualitative data collection, interviews, Monitoring, and evaluation, and have in-depth knowledge of Christian theology. Experience with behavior-focused M&E methodologies is preferred. The consultant will preferably be based in Tanzania.
Application and inquiries
- To apply, candidates must submit a CV, a technical proposal, a financial proposal, and a cover letter
- Interested applicants may get the detailed Terms of Reference (ToR) and specifications through an inquiry to the following email
- The deadline for applications is the 13th of September 2024. Submission of proposals should be made to
- Danmission reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the applications without assigning any reason. Late applications shall not be accepted for evaluation, irrespective of the circumstance.
- Danmission has a principle of zero-tolerance for fraud and corruption; if you encounter such an incident, report it by sending an email to