Consultancy Opportunity – Value Chains
Location | Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of |
Date Posted | December 6, 2022 |
Category | Consultancy NGO |
Job Type | Full-time |
Currency | TZS |

Project expected outcomes and outputs
Impact: Reduced poverty through climate-resilient livelihoods for vulnerable communities in Pwani region, Tanzania mainland.
**Outcome:**2200 climate vulnerable women and men in Rufiji and Kisarawe districts of Pwani region Tanzania with increased incomes and improved natural resource management. Improved natural resource management in Rufiji and Kisarawe districts of Pwani region, Tanzania.
• Targeted smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs increase productivity along targeted value chains (honey, fruit trees, poultry, sunflower, vegetables).
• Target smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs’ benefit from improved access to market
• District councils and targeted communities improve the implementation of climate adaptation plans.
• Targeted smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs adopt innovative technologies and practices that improve climate resilience.
The project will collaborate will PO-RALG, district councils and community for purpose of leveraging on existing infrastructures/ programmes and ensure project success delivery of all the project outputs and specifically improving the implementation of climate adaptation plans.
Purpose of the assignment
Traidcraft Exchange is looking for services of experienced consultant in the field of agriculture or agribusiness to conduct value chain analysis and market identification for purposes identifying business opportunities, barriers and potential buyers in sunflower, vegetables, poultry, and bee keeping value chains. The assessment will require literature review, interviews with respective value chain actors (producers, processors, buyers, marketers, policy makers and consumers) and profiling potential buyers for commodities along project target value chains.
• Assessment report detailing the findings for each value chain i.e., sunflower, vegetables, fruit trees, poultry, and honey.
• Profile of contacted and consulted buyers: list of existing buyers, their potential demand, and their contacts.
• Database of potentials buyers and investor such as processors.
Tasks and duties
• Prepare an inception report including analysis/survey schedule.
• Conduct desk review.
• Prepare data collection tools.
• Identify and consult existing buyers in Tanzania (from village to national level) for purposing of documenting; potential demand for commodities along the target value chains, sourcing patterns (volumes, source, pricing) and quality standards.
• Engage target commodities buyers on their interest to source materials in project areas (business opportunities for project farmers).
• Consultation/interviews with other identified supply chain actors.
• Identify and propose investment opportunities for farmers or co-investment opportunities with actors such as processors and opportunities to revive existing village owned processing units.
Duration of the assignment.
The timing of this work shall be 20 working days and shall commence on or about 19th December 2022 and shall be completed on or 30th January 2023.
Reporting line.
Once contracted the consultant for value chain analysis shall report to PPP Project Manager.
• At least a master’s degree or equivalent in Agriculture, Agricultural Economics, or related sciences.
• At least 5 years of experience in conducting value chain analysis, market assessments or similar assignments in agricultural development programmes and projects and agriculture business in Tanzania.
• Demonstrated ability to assess complex situations to analyse critical issues succinctly and clearly and draw conclusions and recommendations.
• Proven in-depth understanding and consulting experiences on agricultural market assessments especially in agricultural value chains. Experience in sunflower, horticultural, poultry and bee keeping value chains is an added advantage.
• Fluent in written and spoken English, as well as fluency in spoken Swahili.
• You must have work permit to work in Tanzania.
• Willingness to travel to remote areas as needed.
Applying Instructions
Expression of Interest
Proposals should be submitted to .
Technical proposals should include the following:
• CV of the consultant
• Overview of the assignment as you understand it.
• The approach(es) to be applied in undertaking the assignment including a ddetailed activity timeline for undertaking the assignment.
• A comprehensive budget covering professional fees and expenses related to carrying out the assignment. The total professional fee should not exceed USD.3100.
• A list of previously conducted analysis.