Call for Interest Expression to Facilitate the Empowerment Program for the Coalition
Location | Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, United Republic of |
Date Posted | July 5, 2023 |
Category | Administration Management |
Job Type | Full-time |
Currency | TZS |

1.1 Introduction
The Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC) is a non-governmental, non- partisan human rights organization registered under the Non-Governmental Organizations Act of 2002 in Mainland and as society under the Societies Act of 1995 (Act No. 6) on part of Zanzibar. THRDC is a Human Rights Defenders umbrella organization with a total of 250 member organizations from both Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar. Its membership and representation in terms of operations and thematic is spread through 11 designated zonal coordinating units and 14 members thematic areas all over the United Republic of Tanzania respectively. THRDC has two offices with its headquarters located in Mainland (Dar es Salaam) and its branch in Zanzibar (Unguja).
The long-term goal of the Coalition is to see a free and secured environment for human rights defenders in Tanzania, and to ensure HRDs in Tanzania carries out their essential work free from harm and repression, in accordance with the UN Declaration on Human rights defenders of 1998. The ultimate result of all these, as this coalition visualizes, is a contribution to the creation of safer working environment for the HRDs. HRDs are organizations or individual who work to protect and promote other rights including Journalists, Lawyers, Human Rights Institutions etc.
About the assignment
THRDC on its daily programs conducts various interventions aiming to secure HRDs working environment at various levels and capacities. Among others some key interventions include the empowerment programs, advocacy, and engagement work (locally, regionally, and internationally), and protection services provision to HRDs (medical, legal representation, evacuation, and relocation). These activities have had very significant impact to the HRDs community. The results and impact of these interventions are sometimes less monitored and left undocumented which eventually lowers the visibility of the Coalitions achievements. This has been contributed by unharmonized data collection tools, data storage and analysis systems, to mention a few.
Understanding the needs of having strong monitoring and documentation mechanisms for the effective impacts’ extractions, THRDC is looking for a competent consultant with excellent knowledge on monitoring and evaluation to facilitate the empowerment programs to the Coalition and its secretariat on monitoring and documentation.
2.0 Assignment Objective and Deliverables.
2.1 Main Objective.
The main objective of the assignment is to facilitate the empowerment program to the Coalition and its Secretariat on monitoring, evaluation, and documentation.
Specific objectives.
i. To assess the efficiency of the existing monitoring and documentation mechanisms of the Coalition (M&E plan, data collection, documentation, analysis, and reporting)
ii. To support the development of the monitoring, evaluation, and documentation guideline/ manual.
iii. To support the development of the contextualized mechanisms to suit the needs of the Coalitions interventions as informed by the assessment.
iv. To empower the Secretariat on the operationalization of the developed mechanisms.
2.2 Required Deliverables
i. A comprehensive assessment report on the efficiency of the existing monitoring and documentation mechanisms of the Coalition.
ii. Improved data collection, monitoring and documentation tools as informed by the assessment.
iii. Monitoring, evaluation, and documentation manual/ guideline.
3.0 Assignment Duration
The assignment shall take two months after signing the agreement. This will involve the assessment work, document development (manual and tools), and the retainer period to empower the secretariat on the operationalization of the developed mechanisms.
4.0 Application Modality
4.1 Interested consultants/firm must submit the following documents:
a) Technical and Financial Proposal
i. Signed Cover letter.
ii. Technical proposal (maximum of 5 pages), which should include the following:
(a) Proposed program and methodology to be used in carrying out the assignment.
(b) Consultants experience in delivering similar work.
iii. Financial proposal specifying the cost allocations (in TZS).
Current CV, maximum of 5 pages
Applying Instructions
Submission/ Tendering
Soft copies of the documents should be submitted to, with the subject line “Coalition’s Empowerment on Monitoring and Documentation” or delivered physically addressed to
The National Coordinator,
Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition, P. O Box 105926, Dar es Salaam.
Please note that only shortlisted candidates will be contacted for further processes.
NB: Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition is a free and fair entity, and therefore encourages all qualified candidates to apply. Women are highly encouraged to apply for this opportunity.